Thursday, February 25, 2010


Last night a bunch of us met in the Talk Shoe chat room..Mark was speaking about some new changes coming soon to Bonanzle...I called into the show of course to ask a question that was just way too long to type in the chat window..must have been at least 40 people in there...People from outside of Bonanzle came in to ask questions ...I believe last night part of the conversation was about making chatting even easier and faster and my thought was dag soon we will be on TV talking to each I'll have to get dressed and put a bra on for!!!One of the speakers was talking about how other venues have a program called an API that in the case of you selling same items on more than one venue would delete the listing from the other venues that the item did not sell in......this is where I called in.. because there had been talk about GOOGLE not liking us having same items on different venues and going through them..(GOOGLE) I thought there was kind of a contradiction there..and Mark said to check with GOOGLE and see exactly what their policy was on that...will do .....I still have a few questions I want answered...will save them for the show on the 4th of March..the next TALK SHOE...they aren't neccessarily questions for Mark only..but just questions in general....better write them down..All in all I love going to these show..I really do learn a lot from them...Until next time..I'm out....

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